There are many Twitter modules for Drupal out there and I've gone through them all. Twitter pull does the job perfectly. It's not a surprise to anyone how huge social media is nowadays. If you have a website you should have some degree of social media integration, be it a simple link to your Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn profiles, or a full blown embedded feed of your posts and tweets. A lot of clients these days are requesting embedded Twitter feeds, much like the one we employ in our footer. Below are the steps needed to add a twitter feed to your Drupal 7 website.
- First, download and install the Twitter Pull module.
- Next, create a custom block using the hook_block_info & hook_block_view functions. We'll use twitter pull's built in function to display the contents of the feed.
/* * Implements hook_block_info() * */ function deckfifty_block_info() { $blocks['twitter_pull'] = array( 'info' => t('Twitter Pull'), ); return $blocks; }
/* * Implements hook_block_view() * */ function deckfifty_block_view($delta) { $block = array(); switch ($delta) { case 'twitter_pull': $block['subject'] = t('Twitter Feed'); $block['content'] = twitter_pull_render('@deckfifty', '', 3); // swap out @deckfifty with your twitter handle, and 3 with the number of posts you want to display break; } return $block; }
- In order to modify the the block content specifically, we'll alter the template file that comes with twitter pull (twitter-pull-listing.tpl.php) and place it in our theme directory
- Finally, go to the blocks section and enable the block.
That's all you need. You can now proceed to theme the block output in css, and watch your tweets roll in!